Atopic Skin A lifelong condition that affects more than just the skin

Prevalence in growth

Atopic Dermatitis is an inflammatory disease of the skin characterised by red and dry skin that causes itching and scratching. Benign and not contagious.

Chronic and increasingly present. Its prevalence has multiplied 2-3 times in the last 30 years, due to environmental factors and the increase in irritant products.

It occurs during outbreak and inter-outbreak periods. We use the term ‘outbreak’ when the disease is manifesting itself in full swing in periods of remission, we use the term ‘inter-outbreak’.

It itches enormously, becomes inflamed, and you never know when it is going to appear. The child sleeps badly and cannot concentrate at school. You can see the blemishes on his face and outbreaks make him anxious. It even affects the parents, who feel powerless and exhausted.

Facts about Atopic Dermatitis



in the global population



in kids

Appears before


year in 60% of cases

Appears between


years in 85% of cases

It can lead to other problems

Atopic dermatitis is often not an isolated phenomenon. It can occasionally lead to other problems such as asthma and food and respiratory allergies.

As well as skin atopy, respiratory atopy may also manifest in the form of asthma, or digestive tract atopy which manifests in the form of food allergies. This is known as the atopic march.

There are studies that show that a child with a controlled atopy is less likely to present this kind of complication.

... and a day without tears is one more day with a smile on the calendar

For every day to be a good day, daily habits are also important

Bath, clothing, cleanliness… Everything can effect the quality of life of atopic patients. Some simple tips will help you in your daily skincare.



Bathing is necessary but it can dry out the skin if you don’t take certain precautions. Always use special products for atopic skin, which don’t have soap and prevent skin from dehydrating. Keep bath-time short and use lukewarm water (30° – 35°). For older children, a shower is better than a bath. Avoid using sponges and scrubbing the skin.



When drying off, make sure to avoid irritating the skin. Pat dry carefully with a cotton towel. Be especially careful with folds.



Proper moisturising is key to caring for atopic skin, as it helps decrease the number of outbreaks and the need for medical treatment. Apply emollient cream in the most problematic areas and moisturising lotion to the rest of the body.



Avoid wool and certain synthetic fibres. Use cotton or linen garments. Use a gentle detergent to wash clothes, rinse well and avoid fabric softeners.


At home

Allergens (such as dust mites) at home can trigger an atopic outbreak or make one worse. Air out bedrooms daily and avoid items that collect dust, such as rugs, stuffed animals and down bedding.



Cold, dryness and heating make atopic dermatitis worse. As a result, symptoms may be more noticeable this time of year. Keep the temperature between 20°-22° at home and be extra careful to properly moisturise daily.



La dermatitis atópica generalmente mejora con el sol y la playa. Los baños de agua de marpueden ser muy beneficiosos. Ten precaución con el sol y utiliza cremas específicas con FPS 50+. El cloro de las piscinas puede secar la piel. Es recomendable que el baño sea corto, acláralo en la ducha inmediatamente después y aplícale una loción hidratante.



As your child grows up, it will be important for them to take control of managing their dermatitis. Teach them how to avoid outbreaks, remind them periodically and help them control the need to scratch when their skin itches.